These are Zaccaria related pictures from various places on the WWW and from other collectors in an approximate timeline. Some are of items that I bought.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian mini.
Ebay DE listing of a generic Zaccaria star splash (AVG).
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria The Invaders manual. I bought this to go with my own machine. Never knew the Zaccaria version was licensed from Model Racing.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria Frogger (NSM).
Ebay DE listing of a horribly converted Zaccaria cabinet.
Ebay DE listing of an AVG Hyper Olympic in a generic Zaccaria star splash.
Ebay DE listing of a Nintendo Donkey Kong kit applied to a generic Zaccaria star splash cabinet.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Soccer Kings pinball sound PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a converted Zaccaria Pac'n'Paint.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Time Machine pinball with a nice collection of pictures.
Ebay DE listing of a generic Zaccaria star splash from AVG.
Ebay DE listing of an original Zaccaria Scramble.
Ebay US listing of an original Zaccaria Quasar.
Ebay DE listing of a generic Zaccaria star splash.
Ebay DE listing of a Falcon Crazy Kong PCB.
acquires and publishes a Zaccaria company marketing brochure with factory pictures. Click on the picture below to launch the PDF.
Ebay UK listing of a converted Zaccaria Crazy Kong.
Ebay UK listing of a Zaccaria Comidar in an Pac'n'Paint.
Ebay Greece listing of a Zaccaria Hot Wheels pinball sound PCB.
Ebay US listing of a set of unknown Spanish PCB's listed as Zaccaria but I don't think they are.
Ebay DE listing of a couple of unknown cabinets.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria pinball sound PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria pinball sound PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria pinball power PCB.
Ebay DE listing of an empty cabinet described as Zaccaria but probably isn't.
Ebay US listing of a Round Up PCB (almost identical to a Fitter PCB). Twelve pictures for a PCB listing must be a record :)
Ebay DE listing of an almost original Zaccaria Pac'n'Paint (it's missing the dedicated Pac'n'Paint monitor glass).
Ebay US listing of a US Billiards Quasar marque.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian flyer and manual.
Pete in Massachusetts, USA gets his original Zaccaria Quasar working - click on the picture below to launch the video (.MOV).
Petes Zaccaria Quasar PCB set.
Ebay DE listing of an original Zaccaria Phoenix (was previously one of a lot of three listed earlier).
Ebay UK listing of a Midway Tron.
Ebay Austria listing of a Zaccaria pinball CPU PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a converted Zaccaria Pac'n'Paint.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Devil Riders pinball PCB set.
Pete in Massachusetts, USA buys an original Zaccaria Quasar.
Ebay Italy listing of a Zaccaria Jackrabbit flyer.
Ebay UK listing of a JAMMA converted Zaccaria The Invaders. Terrible butchery.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian manual.
Ebay US listing of an original Zaccaria Quasar. Unusual to see the Zaccaria verison in the US.
Dragons Lair Fans posting about a Namco Super Galaxian PCB. Not Zaccaria related but interesting to see the original Namco PCB.
Dragons Lair Fans posting about a Zaccaria Astro Wars.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria Super Galaxian.
Dragons Lair Fans posting about a Zaccaria Super Cobra in Denmark.
Dragons Lair Fans posting about a Zaccaria Crazy Kong & Quasar for sale.
Ebay UK listing of a generic Zaccaria star splash.
Ebay DE listing of a MAME'd Zaccaria Zaxxon.
Ebay US listing of a US Billiards Quasar marque.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian manual.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria Phoenix. This one is from a lot of three listed earlier (see below).
Ebay DE listing of an ADP Super Cobra. It has a Zaccaria marque, monitor glass and control panel but the cabinet artwork doesn't look like other Zaccaria artwork, the coin door is not a Zaccaria coin door and the T-molding is black rather than silver. Is it really a Zaccaria cabinet? This one is from a lot of three listed earlier (see below).
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Earth, Wind & Fire pinball manual.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria pinball sound PCB.
Ebay Italy listing of a Zaccaria pinball sound PCB.
Ebay DE listing of an unknown cabinet that's very similar to a Zaccaria.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian mini schematic set.
Ebay DE listing of a generic Zaccaria star splash.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian diode PCB.
Ebay Belgium listing of a Zaccaria pinball PCB set.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian sound PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a Crazy Kong cocktail 2-board set.
Ebay US listing of a US Billiards Quasar technical manual.
Ebay Australia listing of a Zaccaria pinball PCB set.
The original Zaccaria Eyes I bought off Ebay DE (see below) is delivered.
Ebay US listing of a US Billiards Quasar marque.
Ebay UK listing of a The Pit PCB (from Andys Arcade), a similar PCB to Fitter.
Ebay DE listing of a Taito test fixture - not Zaccaria related but an interesting piece of hardware.
Ebay DE listing of a lot of three Zaccaria cabinets - two Phoenix and a Super Cobra.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria Space Pirates (a.k.a. Rip-Off) PCB.
Ebay DE listing of an original Zaccaria Eyes. I bought this :)
Ebay Austria listing of a Zaccaria power PCB.
Ebay DE listing of a converted Zaccaria Scramble.
Ebay UK listing of a Midway (US) Tron.
Ebay US listing of a Midway Lazarian flyer.
Ebay DE listing of a Zaccaria generic star splash.
Ebay UK listing of a Tron control panel (don't know if it's from a Zaccaria Tron or a Midway Tron).