These are Zaccaria related pictures from various places on the WWW and from other collectors in an approximate timeline. Some are of items that I bought.
Ebay Germany listing of a Zaccaria Universal upright with Circus Charlie.
Ebay Germany listing of a Zaccaria Galaxia upright.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Jackrabbit flyer.
For sale post on the Arcade Europe II Facebook group for a Zaccaria Kangaroo upright (orignally posted August 2019).
Facebook post by Matteo about a Zaccaria Phoenix upright.
For sale post on Le Bon Coin for a Zaccaria Space Pirate upright.
Email from Bela H. about a converted Zaccaria Scramble upright.
Talk on the Dragons Lair Fans forum about a Zaccaria Puckman joystick.
For sale post on the Arcade Europe II Facebook group for a Zaccaria The Invaders game PCB.
Talk by Bela H. on the Arcade Artwork Collectors Facebook group about Zaccaria marques.
For sale post by Krupl A. on the Arcade Europe II Facebook group for a collection of Zaccaria games with reproduction artwork.
Talk by Bunny F. on the Arcade Collectors Europe Facebook group about a Zaccaria Pac'n'Paint upright.
Ebay France listing of a Zaccaria Astro Wars flyer.
Ebay France listing of a Zaccaria TV Joker flyer.
Facebook post by Matteo L. about a Zaccaria Vanguard upright.
Facebook post by Bolgia A. about a Zaccaria/IGR Scorpion game PCB.
Email from Jorg E. about an empty Zaccaria Universal star upright.
Facebook post on the Arcade Collectors Europe group about Zaccaria Astro Wars bar top.
Email from Jorg E. about Zaccaria monitor vertical mount plates.
For sale post on the UKVAC Facebook group for a Zaccaria Astro Wars upright.
Talk on the Dragons Lair Fans forum about Zaccaria Astro Wars bar top.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about a Zaccaria Sea Scare/Tomahawk upright in the background of trade show photographs.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about a Hantarex MT RV XY monitor flyer.
Email from Jorg E. about a Zaccaria Universal star control panel.
For sale post by Krupl A. on the Arcade Collectors Europe Facebook group for a Zaccaria Buck Rogers cockpit.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about a Zaccaria Sea Battle cockpit featured in a
trade show photo.
"Miss Paula Williams, at the ATE Alexandra Palace 1980 on the Leisure Games booth
(part of the Associated Leisure Group). Modelling a rare 'pilot' (prototype) Zaccaria
Sea Battle cockpit that was not available for sale until months later."
Facebook post by Scott E. on the Arcade Collectors Europe group about Zaccaria Frogger upright.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about a Zaccaria Astro Wars bar top featured in a trade show photo.
Facebook post by RetroNerd about a converted Zaccaria Fitter upright.
Facebook post by James B. about Zaccaria Universal uprights.
Facebook post by Allen E. on the UKVAC group about a Zaccaria/Tecnoplay Universal upright.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about Marino Zaccaria (on the right) featured in a trade show photo.
For sale post on Facebook by Bolgia A. for a Zaccaria Dodgem upright.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about an Associated Leisure advertisement for Zaccaria games.
Facebook post by Matteo L. about a Zaccaria Space Pirate upright.
Ebay UK listing of a Zaccaria Astro Wars monitor glass.
Ebay Germany listing of a MAMEd Zaccaria Universal star Crazy Kong upright.
Facebook post by Matteo L. about a collection of Zaccaria games.
Ebay Germany listing of a Zaccaria Super Match flyer.
Facebook post on the Arcade Collectors Europe group about a Zaccaria Pac'n'Paint upright.
Email from Bela H. about Zaccaria Dodgem components.
Facebook post by Matteo L. about a Zaccaria Phoenix upright restoration.
Facebook post by Andys Arcade about a Zaccaria Astro Wars upright featured in an Associated Leisure trade show photo.
Ebay Germany listing of a Zaccaria Scramble upright.
Facebook post by Bolgia A. about an unusual Zaccaria Universal star upright.
Talk by Lupin on the UKVAC forum about a converted Zaccaria Astro Wars upright.
Facebook post by Andy W. about a suspected Italian bootleg of a Taito Zookeeper game PCB.
Email from Bela H. about Zaccaria Dodgem and Super Galaxian uprights found in pub storage. Note that the Super Galaxian has a black and white monitor.
Email from Donny R. about converted Zaccaria Quasar upright.
Talk by Retromanic2 on the UKVAC forum about a Zaccaria yoke flip PCB (1B1137).
Talk by 1223char on the UKVAC forum about a converted Zaccaria Astro Wars upright.
For sale post by Tim E. on the UKVAC forum for a Zaccaria Scramble upright.
Talk by Digimon on the Dragons Lair Fans forum about a Zaccaria Pac and Paint upright.
For sale post on the Arcade Exchange Facebook group for a Midway Lazarian game PCB.
Talk by patzik on the UKVAC forum about a Zaccaria/Exidy Circus game PCB.
For sale post by Bela H. on the UKVAC forum for a Zaccaria Money Money game PCB.
Ebay Germany listing of a Zaccaria Universal star flat marque upright.
Ebay Canada listing of a Zaccaria Space Shuttle pinball sound PCB (1B1146).
For sale post by Bela H. on the Arcade Europe II Facebook group for a Zaccaria/Model Racing Dribbling game PCB (1B1178).
For sale post on the UKVAC Facebook group for a Zaccaria Scramble upright.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Jackrabbit game PCB.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Money Money game PCB.
Ebay Canada listing of a Zaccaria pinball power PCB (1B1167).
Talk by Etienne on the Dragons Lair Fans forum about a Zaccaria upright restoration.
Ebay Argentina listing of a Zaccaria Shooting Gallery game PCB.
For sale post by Bela H. on the Arcade Europe II Facebook group for a Zaccaria/Midway Tron upright.
Ebay Italy listing of a Zaccaria Pac and Paint marque.
For sale post by Galaxian on the UKVAC forum for a Zaccaria The Invaders upright.
Talk on the UKVAC Facebook group about a Zaccaria Puckman upright.
Talk on the UKVAC Facebook group about a converted Zaccaria Crazy Kong upright.
Talk on the UKVAC Facebook group about a converted Zaccaria cocktail.
Ebay UK listing of a Zaccaria/Tecnoplay Universal upright.
Talk by Brandon B. on The Art Of Zaccaria Facebook group about a Zaccaria Fitter MAME artwork backdrop, one of a series of Zaccaria artwork based backdrops.
Talk on the Arcade Collectors Europe II Facebook group about a Zaccaria Buck Rogers cockpit.
Talk on Facebook about Milan Games Week 20 featuring Zaccaria games on set.
For sale post by Bela H. on the UKVAC forum for a Zaccaria/SNK Vanguard game PCB.
Ebay US listing of a Zaccaria Soccer Kings pinball sound PCB (1B1170).
Talk by Bela H. on the UKVAC forum about a lot of Hantarex monitor chassis.